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This page provides an updated statistics of SLOTTO's past results.
You can check the highest strike frequency of number(s).
Rank Number Last Draw # Last Draw Date Prize Type Frequency
1 183464 2169/2023 2023-11-29 6D TOP 2
2 396324 2381/2024 2024-06-28 6D TOP 2
3 512583 2288/2024 2024-03-27 6D TOP 2
4 515770 934/2020 2020-11-13 6D TOP 2
5 644271 701/2020 2020-03-25 6D TOP 2
6 000013 833/2020 2020-08-04 6D TOP 1
7 001142 746/2023 2023-02-03 6D TOP 1
8 001526 579/2022 2022-08-20 6D TOP 1
9 001532 733/2023 2023-01-21 6D TOP 1
10 001545 792/2023 2023-03-21 6D TOP 1
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